"Monkey?" What "monkey?"

"Pride comes before the fall..." Or - as my dad would say -- "The higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his arse."

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Al Gore: He Who Possesses The Absolute Truth Possesses Half The Story [At Best]

Before Gore's Save The World concert, I saw him interviewed several times. In one interview, in particular, he said to Larry King, 'Larry - this is a moral issue - not a political issue."

He went on to say, and I paraphrase, "Of course, political institutions will have to be involved in implementing the solution...but this is a moral issue."

Translation: There is to be no debate.

The moment an issue is not a political issue, it means that there is only one side to the issue and that is the 'right' side.

It was a very telling statement by Gore. The fact that it comes from the same man who just published a book that is ostensibly about reason and logic makes it truly astounding.

In short - Gore speaks the idiotic language of a high school sophomore.

I am talking about a man who got his meteorological and astrophysics degree from Vanderbilt Law School. This is the same man who has regularly misquoted scientific findings and grotesquely exaggerated facts and made outright misrepresentations.

To think that he possesses an absolute truth - a truth that is so profound and so great that it is not to be subjected to the political process - reveals him to be a man possessing an ego that is - without exaggeration or misrepresentation - megalomaniacal!

I'm not just writing this column to cast insults. I mean it as a factual statement when I assert:

Gore's statements truly are signs that the listener is dealing with a man whose mind has inferior reasoning skills and whose education is bereft of any knowledge of the history of western civilization!

It smacks of the Roman Catholic assertion that it is the one true faith; of the Islamic assertion that it is the embodiment of the final word of God; and of the notion among the Swiss that they produce the world's best cheese [to cite but a few such superlative assertions.]

I was stunned when I heard him say it. I was not stunned that Larry King did not have the brains to ask him what he meant by the statement.

[I think Larry King is probably a nice guy. Being a 'nice guy,' and making sure that someone at the studio waters and prunes him each morning is probably the reason for his longevity.]

College students - of all people - should be up in arms over such assertions. Professors of Political Science, of Classics and Humanities, and of Philosophy should be bent out of shape by such an assertion.

But instead, opponents of Gore are branded as 'deniers' and referenced in the same sentence with idiots who deny one of those very rare but truly absolute truths: that the Holocaust really did happen in World War II.

I suppose I should not be surprised.

The public school systems are increasingly run by axe-grinders instead of educators. The same goes for the colleges that produce the so-called educators.

It is also stunning to me that Al Gore will not debate his assertions which - by his own words - he has now elevated to an absolute and indisputable moral truth that is on a par with the Catholic doctrine of the Transubstantiation.

[Please keep in mind that I am a lapsed Catholic. I am not 'picking' on the Catholic church. I use Catholic examples because of my basic familiarity - though not anything approaching expertise - with the teachings of the Holy See.]

An absolute truth - such as the occurrence of the Holocaust - or by Gore's assertion: Man Made Apocalyptic Global Warming - should be something Gore would be willing to debate. He has claimed in the past to be known as a really 'great' debater. When one is defending an absolute truth - like the Holocaust - the proof of one's position is a 'slam-dunk' proposition.

Here's an absolute truth: If a 40 megaton hydrogen bomb hit Key West Florida - no human being would survive. It's easy to prove. One has merely to show the dimensions of the crater left below the ocean's surface when the Bikini Islands were incinerated with a less powerful hydrogen bomb in the fifties. As a matter of fact - the island of Key West would cease to exist and that could be shown by such a comparison.

But Gore - he who holds himself out as a man of reason and an author on that very topic - refuses to appear on-stage to have a debate with anyone about his global warming position.

And why? Because it is not a position - it is a religion.

In any event - I shouldn't go on about this today. I just heard Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. stating that public media figures who contradict his warnings of global warming apocalypse should literally be tried for treason - a crime that carries the death penalty.

If he had his way - I'd be one of the ones lined up against a wall and offered a last cigarette - whoops! No......no cigarette. It would enlarge my carbon footprint.

Sorry about that.....never mind.

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