Monday, May 21, 2007
Tuberculosis, Illegal Immigrants, and the Coming Plague Of Pogroms From the Left
The “lefties” have one huge Achilles Heel in their argument supporting illegal immigration and amnesty. It is a weakness so huge, it amazes me that no one from the anti-illegal camp has recognized and embraced it.
If exploited, this is the one weakness that would turn the ‘lefties’ against the illegal immigrants with a zero-tolerance-rage that would shock the ‘right.’
First, the foundation of the argument: The lefties live in a paranoiac fear of second hand smoke; of helmetless bike riding; of tap water; of pollution of water; of landfill dumps; of mold; and of virtually anything that would give them a head cold.
Ladies and gentlemen on the left, I wish to introduce you to something most of us had thought was a condition consigned to the toxic waste dump of health-history.
The condition?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, tuberculosis is creeping back into the health care wards of our hospitals. It is transmittable by mere breathing. It is in our public schools. It is in our apartment buildings. It is on your front lawns – depending on the current health of you’re the illegal immigrant raking your leaves.
It is popping up throughout the United States. And the primary new vector [that is to say: delivery system] of the disease is – drum roll please – illegal immigrants.
Long forgotten in the tales told of the legal immigrants who landed at Ellis Island is the very reason they landed at an island.
They were on an island to be checked for communicable diseases. If they had any one of a certain set of recognizable and easily transmitted diseases – they never made it to the mainland. They were put on the quickest boat back to East Overshoe or from wherever it was that they had come.
In this manner, nuclear families were torn apart. Yet, it was recognized that the poorest of the poor, due to poverty and lack of hygiene, were carriers of a smorgasbord of various communicable diseases which were either untreatable or extremely difficult to treat effectively.
And now?
Now we have tuberculosis being discovered at rates not seen in the living memory of the physicians treating the patients.
And make no mistake about it – tuberculosis is one hell of a serious disease. It takes months of treatment – and very expensive treatment – to get it under control.
Poorly educated illegal immigrants are also presenting a problem to health authorities who try to treat them. Since they do not fully comprehend medical procedures, some fail to complete the course of treatment.
The result: They are still contagious, but with a strain of T.B. that has a strengthened resistance to normal courses of treatment. In other words – they are spreading a more potent form of T.B.
No one in the press is making that connection, and the ‘lefties’ and the granola crowd are unable on their own to connect the dots.
The American health authorities long ago recognized what history had shown – tuberculosis is a scourge that lacerates the lungs and results in coughing fits in which gobs of blood are spit up.
And, untreated, it is fatal.
For anyone wishing to see an acting interpretation of the exciting highlights of tuberculosis [or T.B. for short] you should just watch either or both movies made in recent years on the life of Wyatt Earp.
One such flick features Dennis Quaid as the T.B. ridden Doc Holiday.
The other flick features Val Kilmer in the same role.
Quaid, in particular, consulted with a dietician to lose enough weight to recreate the emaciated condition of a T.B. victim. Kilmer was already a skinny little rail and didn’t have far to go.
When one looks at their emaciated portrayals, one can begin to understand why T.B. was known in lay terminology as “The consumption.”
Why? Because it virtually consumed the person who contracted the disease.
All victims died within a few years of contracting the disease. And, in the process of waiting for their place in God’s check-out line, they hacked, coughed and spit up infected blood while waiting in line at the bank – while attending schools – while hanging out in bars – or in church.
When I started teaching in the public schools in 1974, I was required to go to a spartan waiting room in a radiology department in Brockton. There I was subjected to a mandatory chest x-ray. Additionally, I had to have my skin punctured by a little six-pronged device. It left a little circle of puncture wounds on the forearm.
If the chest x-ray was ‘postive' and if the site of the puncture wounds turned a certain color – you could just about count on putting your teaching career on hold for quite a few months while you underwent the cure.
Why was this done to teachers? Simple! T.B. is spread by merely breathing on others. An infected teacher could wreck an entire classroom of youngsters in a very short period of time.
The youngsters, in turn, would infect their whole families.
As far as I know – nothing since then has changed about the nature of T.B. There is, in other words, not a kinder /gentler form of T.B. available in the third world countries whose citizens are invading the United States.
I can just about guarantee that the first day some kid comes home from the Dover or Newton Public Schools with a case of tuberculosis acquired from an illegal immigrant classmate will be the same day we start hearing shouts for “Quarantines and Deportation!”
When the soccer moms discover that wide-open immigration without health examinations result in their little kid going through months of isolation and antibiotic treatment for T.B., we will have a major crisis on our hands.
The crisis won’t be deportation. That will be easy enough.
The crisis will occur when we have to keep the ‘lefties’ from launching a virtual ‘pogrom’ to force the immigrants, diseased and those not diseased onto non-stop buses at gunpoint.
Some of the Granola types virtually assault cigarette smokers who are barely within shouting distance. Right now Massachusetts is trying to ban cigarette smoking on any part of any public beach.
Imagine what they’ll do when the problem isn’t a behavior [smoking] but a person’s physical condition which – unlike second hand smoke – is a VERY REAL AND PRESENT DANGER to them and to their children.
When in a room with a smoker, the barely tangential nature of any harm can be avoided by having the cigarette put out.
But – when the harm in the room is T.B. – there’s only one way to deal with it: The person carrying the disease must be ‘put out.’
Why? Because THAT danger, the danger of imminent infection with T.B. is real and present.
Ahh yes….ladies and gentlemen. Once the issue is properly re-framed as a public health issue, the liberals will turn on a pin-point. And though the ‘lefties’ may not like guns, I’m sure they’ll have no trouble making spears to assist them in the effort to drive the scourge from the neighborhood and the country.
When the public realizes that illegals operating with false identities make it difficult to keep them from leaving treatment and going elsewhere to spread the disease, well – there’s going to be all hell to pay over that situation.
It’s one thing to attack the ‘right’ as being racists for opposing illegal immigration. But – as has been proven with the anti-trans fat campaign, the anti-cigarette campaign, the anti-soda pop campaign [the list is almost endless] – when the ‘lefties’ find out about T.B. and from whence it is coming, they will become even greater “Diseasists.” [one who hates diseased people who can spread the disease.]
The AIDS campaign is instructive.
There we had and have a disease that is almost impossible for heterosexuals to catch unless they are intravenous drug users. But the hysteria that accompanied it was rammed down our throats. Even the gay activists admit that it was a scare tactic that they viewed as necessary to convince the public that ‘everyone’ was at risk. By doing so, they could be guaranteed massive funding for health research. That was their goal and it was achieved.
But T.B. is very different. T.B. is a very real threat to every person in the country. It is of special danger to the young and the elderly.
T.B. actually IS as great a danger to the general public as AIDS was falsely portrayed to be.
Gradually the lefties may come to realize that one of the primary purposes of immigration procedures and screening is to ensure that a new immigrant is not presenting, literally, the symptoms not only of T. B., but of the bubonic plague – another disease found outside the States, but rarely seen within our borders.
Another new adventure in medicine is also on the way: Leprosy. Yep – just this past week it was reported that leprosy is on the increase in the United States.
Once the public service advertising starts on that issue, the danger to the immigrants will not be T.B. – it will be the ‘lefties’ metaphorically storming Frankenstein’s Castle – that is to say, the apartments where illegals live – to drive them by force onto the Granola Express Trains to get them the hell out of the country.
We now have health nuts who insist that no one smoke on the public streets in Sharon, Massachusetts, or in barrooms, or within fifty feet of a school or within ten feet of a businesses’ doorway. They are obsessed with a fear that years in the future, maybe – just maybe – one of them might get lung cancer.
When they find out that a couple of good sneezes and hacking coughs from a T.B. victim can actually infect them on the spot with the disease, you’ll see the ‘lefties’ trading in their sandals for jackboots.
There are many good and commonsensical reasons for a legal immigration process. Of course, none of those register on the ‘left’ because anyone who even whispers about them is, of course a ‘racist.’
Since illegal immigrants are composed of Irish, Mexican, Arab, Columbian, Iranian, Chinese, and – well – virtually every ethnic and racial group on earth – I’m not sure what race it is that I’m supposed to ‘hate.’
But once illegal immigration becomes a public health issue – once little Tommy comes home from third grade and coughs up blood – well, dear reader, all bets are off.
One thing we cigarette smokers know is this: If the ‘lefties’ think they can even catch a pimple from some behavior of another person – they will move heaven and earth to consign that person to hell.
The ‘right’ tends to want the illegals just to go home and go through the normal procedures so that respect for the law – the foundation of the country – can be preserved.
When the ‘left’ finds out about T.B., the major problem for the ‘right’ will be preventing the ‘left’ from burning the poor illegal bastards in the town square.
Illegal Immigrants,
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1 comment:
OR they'll do what they always do ....put the burden on someone else. Build TB camps in places outside Cambridge, Newton, etc. Maybe Worcester or Fitchburg or Springfield and ship all the TB infected immigrants there. Once everyone in those areas is dead, THEN maybe the SOBs will ship the illegals out.
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